Orbán Viktor még Brüsszelben elárulta: ezért kezdeményez véleménynyilvánító szavazást Ukrajna EU-tagságának ügyében (VIDEÓ)

A miniszterelnök leszögezte, nem szeretné, ha az emberek feje fölött születne döntés Ukrajna EU-tagságáról.

Ma brit olvasói kommentárokat olvasgattam Orbán Viktor politikájáról. Lássunk néhányat.
Ma brit olvasói kommentárokat olvasgattam Orbán Viktor politikájáról.
Lássunk néhányat. Csak mert ez is Európa hangja, ugyebár. :) –
"Hmm I'm thinking of moving to Hungary"
"Totally agree..."
"The only sane politician in Europe."
"Well said Mr Orban! WE can see it - YOU can see it - THE LEGAL CITIZENS of Europe can see it - It's only our idiot and criminal politicians that can't seem to see it - That's why most of the western world are praying that Trump gets in!"
"From the UK ,i 100% agree with this man.."
"I hope he wins his referendum on Merkels quotas! I know he will, EU cracks as Junker drinks his brandy!"
"This man is the only one to speak the truth and speak out against immigration..the only one with courage!!"
"All I hope is that he has dam good bodyguards to watch his back, because I am surprised the hierarchy of the EU has not tried to eliminate him. Every word he has said is true, and he is the only politician in Europe to see what the future holds for everyone."
"Unfortunately Orban has little influence (he represents a population of less than 10 million) ."
"Viktor Orban....100% the very best PM in Europe who actually cares about his country and it's people......we so badly need more like him."
"One of the few EU leaders with both intelligence and balls."
"They do have an immigration referendum scheduled for, I believe, early October. Good on Orban and Trump both!"
... és így tovább.
Csak mondom.